The following is the error message that you may get. However, the content of the error message may differ on your side.

What to do when Minecraft says failed to download file?

If Minecraft is failing to download files at the time of launch, you can try the solutions mentioned to resolve the issue. But before that, it is important to know why this is happening. Following are some reasons you see the error in question.

Minecraft is unable to download a JAVA file. In that case, you can download it manually from the mentioned location.The downloaded file can not be opened as the default launcher of that file is not set to Java.Your antivirus or Microsoft Firewall is blocking the file.Minecraft mods are corrupted.

Let us now go to the troubleshooting guide.

Fix Minecraft failed to download file, The file contents differ from what was expected

If you see Minecraft failed to download the file, The file contents differ from what was expected in Minecraft, try these solutions to resolve the issue. Let us talk about them in detail.

1] Download the file from the mentioned URL

If you read the error code thoroughly, you will see a URL mentioned there. This signifies that a file is missing and be downloaded from there. So, let us first download the files from mentioned URL. Just copy the URL from the error message or from below (if it’s the same) and paste it in a browser. When you do that, a file will be downloaded. Go to the download folder, copy the downloaded file, then, go to ‘Path’ mentioned in your error code. For us, it’s the following. Delete jopt-simple-4.5.jar and paste the copied path. Finally, restart your computer and reopen the launcher. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue for you.

2] Open with JAVA

.JAR files must open with Java Runtime Environment. If that is not happening, you need to make sure to configure .JAR files to open with JRE. Follow the prescribed steps to do the same. If the files are already set to run with Java, then you can skip this step. Read: Minecraft Multiplayer not working on PC

3] Allow Minecraft through Firewall

Next up, let us allow Minecraft through Firewall or antivirus to make sure that no important Minecraft file is blocked by the security program. If you are using a third-party antivirus, whitelist Minecraft. In case, you are using Microsoft Defender, try the following steps to allow Minecraft through it. Hopefully, this will do the job for you.

4] Check Corrupted Minecraft Mods

If any of the Minecraft mods is corrupted, you will these kinds of issues. You should open File Explorer, go to C:\Users%username%\AppData\Roaming.minecraft, cut the mods, and paste it elsewhere. Now, open the game and if it is working. If the game is working, one of the mods must be corrupted. First remove the mod that you recently added, if that doesn’t work, try disabling mods one by one until you find the culprit.

5] Reinstall Minecraft Launcher

If nothing worked, then your last resort is to reinstall Minecraft. So, go ahead and uninstall the app from your computer. Then, download the latest version of Minecraft from Hopefully, this will do the job for you.

We hope you can resolve the issue with the solutions mentioned in this article.

Why does my Minecraft say launching the game failed?

Launching the game may fail because of corruption or missing files. The error message “Launching the game files” in Minecraft comes with “Minecraft failed to download the file”. We have mentioned solutions and the reasons for the same in this post. So, scroll up and troubleshoot the issue easily. Also Read: Minecraft not installing on Windows PC.